January 1 through December 31, 2021
The Putnam County Soil Conservation District (PCSCD) takes great pride in presenting our annual report each year. This year, the PCSCD celebrates its 81st year of conservation in Putnam County. The PCSCD works in partnership with local, state, and federal governments to provide conservation services to the citizens of Putnam County. These services include technical assistance, cost-share programs, and environmental education. Those assisted include both farmers and non-farming individuals, community groups and non-profit organizations, government agencies, businesses, and the Putnam County School system. In 2021, the Putnam County Soil Conservation District and its partners invested $772,048.00 into Putnam County to help in the areas of environmental quality and soil and water conservation. These funds helped to install Best Management Practices on over 1,472 acres of land in Putnam County.
The following is a recap of significant PCSCD activities in 2021, with explanations of some of the programs and services offered to the citizens of Putnam County.
The PCSCD helps to provide financial assistance and technical services to farmers and wildlife enthusiasts for conservation practices by using federal and state cost-share programs. Federal programs include the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP), Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) and Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA). The Tennessee Department of Agriculture also provides funding for farm conservation, public education, and information through its Ag Resources Conservation Fund. All these programs rely on technical expertise from the District’s partner, the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides cost-share assistance to landowners to implement conservation practices on their land. In FY2021, $595,027.00 in EQIP money was obligated to Putnam County farmers that were approved for funding. These cost-share funds allowed landowners to install conservation practices on over 622 acres of farmland. These practices resulted in a drastic improvement in water quality, a significant reduction in soil loss, and improved grazing management.
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) provides financial and technical assistance to help land stewards conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. In FY2021, $143,371.00 in CSP funding was obligated to Putnam County landowners to maintain enhancement activities that will be installed on farmland in Putnam County. These cost-share funds allowed landowners to install conservation practices on over 850 acres of farmland.
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture obligated $33,650.00 in cost-share assistance. These funds target the installation of Best Management Practices to promote water quality in specified watershed areas to monitor water quality improvements.
The PCSCD raised funds for education and other operational needs through geo-textile fabric sales and our equipment rental program. Additionally, the State of Tennessee appropriates a small operations grant for PCSCD use. Putnam County generously provides two full-time employees. During 2021, the Natural Resources Conservation Service provided a District Conservationist, a Soil Conservationist Technician, office space, supplies, and equipment. In 2021, the PCSCD also worked with the Tennessee and National Associations of Conservation Districts.
The Putnam County Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors is proud of the contributions it has made to the wise use of natural resources. The PCSCD continues its tradition of having a direct, positive impact on the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources on the land in Putnam County, and has also invested in the future of wise land use through the education of current and future generations. The Board looks forward to another year of successful natural resources conservation accomplishments in 2022.
Submitted by:
Sam Tays, Chairman
Wayne Moss, Vice Chairman
Alton Freeman, Secretary/Treasurer