Healthy Soils Are Full of Life was the theme for the newly launched poster contest. Students from 3rd grade classes in Putnam County were asked to participate in a poster contest, on a voluntary basis. Some of the schools chose to skip this year, hopefully they will participate next year. Out of the schools that participated some had the school’s adopters purchase the poster boards for the students while other schools the teachers purchased the poster boards for the students. Those were the schools that had the most success. Other schools still participated but did not have as large of a turn out of posters.
Each school had an opportunity to have 3 student winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The students that won 3rd place won $10.00, 2nd place won $15.00, and 1st place won $25.00 and had their name entered to win a Chromebook. Also, out of the 1st place winners one was picked to move onto the state TACD contest where they were able to win more money and have an opportunity to move onto the national NACD contest. There were also incentives for the teachers. The teacher from each school that had the 1st place winner received $25.00 to spend on their class and the teacher that had the district winner was given $100.00 to put back into their class.
Besides the incentives that were offered to the students they were encouraged to participate in the contest, so they could let their voices be heard. These students are our future and if we can help them understand where their food and other natural resources come from then we can have a better tomorrow. At the end when all the posters were collected we had a wonderful selection of carefully crafted posters to pick from.
The schools that participated were Sycamore, Cornerstone, Capshaw, Jere Whitson, and Northeast. The district winner that went on to the State TACD poster contest was Bella Hitchcock from Northeast Elementary. Her poster is pictured. Next year we hope to have all the 3rd grade students in Putnam County participate in this wonderful opportunity.
**All programs and services of the Putnam County Soil Conservation District (SCD) are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activities.