Notice of Election

Pursuant to TCA §43-14-201, DUE NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held March 21st through March 24th, 2022 for three positions on the Putnam County Soil Conservation District (SCD) Board.

Polling location will be: Agriculture Service Center, 900 South Walnut Avenue, Room 1, Cookeville, TN from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm CDT each day.

Nominating petition submittal deadline is March 14, 2022, by 4 pm CDT to the SCD office, at the address above.

Per TCA §43-14-216, only persons holding legal title to lands in Putnam County are eligible to vote in this election.

Call the SCD office at 931-528-6472 ext 3 for more information.

The candidates in the election are:

  • Alton Freeman

  • Angie Glascock

  • Gary Bush

  • Jeremy Whitson

  • Rusty Chilcutt